seeing liberty



Liberty gave us directions to her house, but these were so vague no one had any confidence that we would actually get there. So we decided to get a taxi. We ordered one at the guest house, and realised we had been right. I gave my phone to the taxi driver to speak to Liberty and after a long conversation we set off. It was pretty obvious we were all in the dark.
When we were about 20 minutes along the Highway we slowed down and we all looked for signs of anything vaguely recognisable that Liberty had mentioned. Unbelievably we made it!
The house is gorgeous and the garden is so beautiful and productive with coconuts, mangoes, star fruit, dragon fruit, lemon grass, turmeric and lots more. It is also full of huge mosquitos and we were all bitten to pieces. The house belonged to her parents, and is in the middle of nowhere. Liberty stays there on her own as her kids are boarding at school in the camp and her husband is a head teacher in a school two hours away. She said she used to get quite scared staying there on her own.
Liberty’s daughter Marvel was also there and we had a lovely few hours, eating great food, looking at the garden and chatting. Liberty’s son didn’t make it as he was in the middle of exams in the Me La refugee camp school he attends, and Seth decided not to come as he still isn’t feeling too great.
Liberty has been so good to us and it was lovely to be able to go and see her house and sit and chat with her. The house is really lovely with wooden floors and walls and a huge veranda.
The taxi driver came too soon and we had to leave Liberty and Marvel, which was really sad as who knows when we will see them again. Liberty is such a lovely woman and has been so helpful and good to us. We will really miss her.

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